This pages introduces the review process for submissions. If you are not an academic, you might be unfamiliar with the general process behind peer review; If you are an academic, the specific approach to peer review taken here might also be unfamiliar for you.
Review System & Anonymity
The reviews are handled via a ‘HotCRP’ instance hosted here:
Reviewers and authors need to create a account to be able to log in.
As the review process is ultimately about improvement, and nor Accept/Reject decisions, the reviews are not blind, i.e., authors are known to reviewers, and reviewers are known to authors.
To learn more about the review process, please see the review guide.
Submission Details
The submission system s a standard HotCRP. For a submission, you need to supply the following information:
- Title: A descriptive title for you project
- Submission: A PDF describing your planned measurements and documenting the measurement toolchain
- Measurement Toolchain: An archive of the code for your measurement toolchain. If the file-size exceeds 32.8MB, you can use (with the same credentials as for HotCRP) to host bigger parts of the toolchain.
- Abstract: A brief summary of your project
- Authors: The people involved in your project
- Hardware requirements: What hardware do you need for the project? (we usually provision virtual machines)
- Network requirements: Do you need anything special in terms of networking?
- Sensitive Research Topics: Check these if they apply to your proposal
- Potentially disruptive research: Check this if it applies
- Agreement to terms and policies: Carefully read our statutes and abuse policy, and check this if you agree to those terms.
- Conflicts: A list of people/organizations that might not be suited to review your work.
What should the submission PDF contain?
For the submission PDF, there are no concrete formatting requirements. Its main purpose is providing information to the reviewers. Specifically, the document should cover the following:
- A general description of your planned measurements. This includes the ‘purpose’ and/or ‘motivation’ behind them.
- The research questions you are planning to answer.
- A description of what you plan to do, i.e., how the measurements you are executing will allow answering the research question, and why they are suited for that.
- Documentation on how to use the measurement toolchain (to be uploaded as well).
- A harm-benefit analysis of the measurements (See the Menlo Report for details).
- An estimation of how this will impact other networks, including-for example-lab tests executed to ensure that probes do not cause harm.
In any case, do not overthink this; Due to the review process, anything you may have missed initially can be added later on.