24/7 Abuse Contact : +49 5424 211 97 22


e-mail : abuse@measurement.network

AS211286 – measurement.network

About measurement.network

measurement.network provides non-profit network measurement support to academic researchers.

If you came here due to an abuse complaint or to opt-out of measurements, please see our abuse page to get immediate support in case of production breaking issues, and our opt-out page to be excluded from further measurements. Furthermore, you can check our list of running measurements to see who created those scans and what they are testing.

If you are a researcher and want to learn more about what we do, check out the other options below.

Open Data & Services

Public Services


BTTF-Whois is a public service for bulk requesting which ASN announced a prefix at a given date.

DNS IPv6 Readiness

Our DNS self test lets you check whether your zone actually resolves via IPv6.

Interview Transcription

A non-data-storing instance of the publicly available OpenAI speech recognition model to transcribe interviews.

Email Sending Checks

A public service to test sending behavior for mail setups, including IPv6 support and common security features

Focus on Research

Research Support

Email Services for Research

Email accounts/setups for your research needs; From receiving to sending. Let us know what you need and we make it happen.*

RIPE LIR Services

We can provide RIPE NCC LIR services for resource requests, e.g., temporary IPv4/IPv6/ASN requests for research purposes.

Hosted Measurements

We provide support from ethical and reliability review of artifacts before measurements to a monitored setup to run them on.*

*Use of measurement.network’s services is contingent on measurements passing a review of their ethical and technical viability. See our statutes for more details.

Review Support

Artifact Evaluation

Artifact evaluation gets a lot easier if everyone involved has access to the same type of clean system. We provide evaluation committees with virtual machine setups for reviewers and authors.

Virtual machines come with a set of pre-defined operating systems, and can even include GPUs to (small-scale) evaluate ML related artifacts, or enable the reproduction of active network measurements.

Get Support for Your Network Measurement Project

We help researchers with all aspects of network measurement related researchers (and a bit more).

Even if you do not find what you are looking for on our site, please reach out, and we will see what we can make happen.

Related Work

Previous Studies

Email Security Scans

Looking into simple complexity

DNS IPv6 Readiness

The AAAA is not enough


The past is not the present